AssetBuilder’s Fee Tier

At the beginning of each month, clients pay to AssetBuilder a fee calculated at an annual rate as indicated in the fee table below. The standard billing calculation is:

Billed Market Value x Fee Rate x (Days in Cycle/365) = Fee Amount

The fee is based upon the value of the client’s assets held during the previous calendar month. The fee amount may be adjusted according to cash flows in and out of the account during the fee cycle. AssetBuilder’s fee schedule is as follows:

AssetBuilder is not compensated on the basis of a share of capital gains upon or capital appreciation of the funds or any portion of the funds of the client. AssetBuilder reserves the right to provide its services to other types of clients (such as participants in 401(k) plans) and in other contexts. AssetBuilder also reserves the right to vary its fee structure for such other types of clients and in such other contexts.